How to Update Ledger Nano Firmware and MCU Version

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Today I'll walk you through how to update Ledger Nano Firmware and MCU versions. Not only, Nano S Plus, by reading this post, you can update Ledger Nano X Firmware also, of course model Blue's too.

If your Nano X, Blue or Ledger Nano S MCU firmware is outdated then this tutorial will help you fix your hardware wallet's issues.

France based prominent cryptocurrency hardware company, Ledger, introduce timely Ledger Nano firmware to keep their hardware wallets safe. Ledger firmware updates are very important and you must keep your wallets up to date to keep your cold stored coins safe.

Ledger has also made its security features more robust than before. You'll also find some functional changes too after the updates.

After updating Ledger Nano, it'd have the same amount of space for apps as with previous firmware version but you may find increase in storage capacity.

Next, we'll learn how to update Ledger Nano firmware version. Apart from that we'll also see how to update Ledger Nano MCU firmware version; if device asked you to update.

Some due to some reasons your Ledger hardware wallet screen may stuck at MCU firmware version update so we will also see how to solve this issue too.

Important points to remember before updating Ledger Nano X, S, or Blue:

  • Make sure you've your 12, 18, or 24 recovery seed handy. Though, Ledger Nano S firmware update will not wipe off your recovery seed from your device. But you should have your recovery seed; as a precaution.
  • After updating your device, all of your cryptocurrency wallet apps will be removed from your device. But, your cryptocurrencies will not be affected. When you will reinstall your apps, you'll be able to access your cryptocurrencies gain. Note: "All apps can be installed/uninstalled without any risk to lose your funds," mentions Ledge Official blog.
  • Update may take 15 minutes or more so be patient.
  • If after the update, you get following error "MCU firmware is outdated" then you'll have to update your Ledger MCU firmware also. It's very easy. I'll show you how to do so.

Now you're ready to update Ledger Nano S firmware and outdated MCU version.

Recommended: Ledger Nano X, Next Generation Hardware Wallet

How to Update Ledger Nano S Firmware?

Above video will help update firmware and MCU versions of your Ledger hardware wallet. If you prefer reading then you can read on.

Warning: Don't update Ledger Nano S, X or Blue if you don't have your private key AKA 24 recovery seed handy. Though, update doesn't remove your recovery phrase from your device, but if something went wrong then you would need to use your seed to regain access to your crypto assets. If you wouldn't have your private key then you'd end up losing all your coins. And as of now, there's no way to recover coins without private key.

First of all, connect your device to your computer and unlock it by using its PIN, as usual you do. (Forgot PIN? Know how to reset Ledger Nano S PIN)

Open Ledger Live app and enter your login password to get access to your dashboard. Thereafter, from the sidebar, click on 'Manager'.

Ledger Nano S latest firmware update

From your Ledger device, tap allow button to allow Manager App to access your device.

ledger mcu firmware is outdated

Once you get access to your Ledger Live manager section, on the top of the page, you will be able to read update notification along with update button. To update Ledger firmware, click on 'Update' button.

Click on 'Continue' to confirm firmware update.

Once update is initiated, you're supposed to nothing except wait.

sorry, not enough space left ledger

Ah! I got 'Sorry, not enough space left' error. If you don't get this error then it's good otherwise, you will need to uninstall some installed wallet apps such Bitcoin, Ethereum, and the like from your Ledger device to make some space for new update.

Don't worry! if you uninstall an app, your coins remain intact. After reinstalling the app, your funds will reflect again. It happens because your coins are not associated with the wallet app.

Next, as you can see, my device has not enough space for this installation, so to make some space, I'm going to uninstall Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP and Litecoin wallet apps. To uninstall an app, from the manager section, click on 'Delete' icon next a wallet app you want to uninstall.

Okay, I've uninstalled 4 apps from my device and I assume now my Ledger Nano S is ready for latest firmware update.

Let's click on 'Update' again and then 'Continue'.

Hurray! update started.

Once update download completes, you will see an identifier on your computer screen. Same identifier will appear on your Ledge device screen. Match both, if they're matching, tap 'OK' button from your Ledger hardware wallet and enter your PIN to proceed. Otherwise, hit cancel button.

update outdated MCU ledger

To update outdated MCU version and finalize Ledge firmware update, follow the steps given below:

update Ledger Nano S firmware MCU
  • Disconnect Ledger wallet by removing its USB cable
  • Let Ledger Live app as it is
  • Press 'Left' button of your Ledger wallet
  • Don't release 'Left' button and connect your Ledger device to your computer again
  • Keep 'Left' button pressed, even after Bootloader screen appears
  • Ledger Nano S MCU version, Bootloader and the like will update to latest versions
  • Keep patient, don't do anything, just wait
  • Finally, you will read on your computer screen that Ledger Firmware is updated along with MCU version.

After updating the device, you can access your wallet by entering your PIN. Note: There will be only settings. You'll have to install the apps again.

Congratulations! You've successfully updated Ledger Nano S firmware and MCU version.

What's new in Ledger Nano firmware update:

  • Earlier, the number of apps that could be installed on Ledger Nano S was 4 to 5 but most of the users were able to install only 4 apps. But in latest Ledger Nano S firmware update, this limit is up by 12 to 13 apps. Now you'll be able to install up to 20 apps on your Ledger device. Though, the number of apps which can be loaded on Ledger Nano S depend on the size of the apps, but to my mind, you could easily install 5-7 apps.
  • Team has worked to improve user experience significantly. The Ledger Nano S interface is now similar to company's next generation hardware wallet, Ledger Nano X. Read, "Ledger Nano X vs Ledger Nano S – which one to buy?"
  • Now you can lock your device screen by pressing both buttons for 3 seconds. Earlier, there was no option to lock device and it used to get locked automatically after few minutes of inactivity. (Feature exists already, added just to make your aware if you're not.)
  • To increase Ledger Nano S storage capacity, some unused features such as rotate device screen, have been removed. See full list of supported coins.
  • After some cache optimizations, developers have managed to make this device slightly faster than before. Some bugs have also been fixed such as the WebUSB support or Windows 8 USB packet.
  • While setting up your device, Ledger used to ask to enter some words from your recovery seed. But now if you're setting up your device, you'll have to enter and confirm all 24 seed words. This is indeed hectic but very important update to make sure you've written your recovery seed correctly.

Above were the some changes and improvements which will come with this latest Ledger firmware update.

FAQs on Ledger Nano S Firmware and MCU Update

What if I don't update my Ledger device?

Nothing will happen. It's not mandatory to update Ledger Nano S, X or Blue. However, you should update it to unlock new features and updates for example you'll be able to install up to 20 apps. At the top, latest update brings some security improvements therefore just to keep your device secure, keep it up to date.

How many apps will I be able to install after updating my Ledger Nano S, X or Blue?

It depends upon the size of the apps. According to Ledger, you can install up to 20 apps on your Ledger Nano S, up to 100 in case of Ledger Nano X; depending on the cryptocurrencies you install. Some wallet apps occupy more space therefore this number may vary. However, you'll be able to install 5 to 7 apps easily in model S.

Do I need to enter recovery seed again?

No, update doesn't wipe out your seed. But it's very risky to update Ledger without having private key. I suggest you refrain from updating your device if you don't have recovery seed.
